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Louis CK

Louis CK – heart disease

Louis CK – heart disease

There is no greater threat to women than men, I don’t know how they do it, how do women still go out with guys? we are they number one threat to women!

Louis CK Bill Gates

Louis CK Bill Gates

My favorite Louis CK performance that really interested me in his work.
He says – “This is what I would do with with 85 billion dollars, just buy all pants in the world and burn them, screw it! No more pants!”

Louis CK – Job and 20 year olds

You should do your job, because it's your job, because you are that person doing that thing, so just do it

it drives me crazy when someone has a job that they don't like so they do it shity, what kind of a response is that? if you do it shity isn't that worse for you?

I travel a lot so I need help all the time, I rent one car, but I want another one, I'm crazy, so I go to the counter and "can I have another one?" and sometimes I have a person who goes "sigh, why?" "because I'm a dick, give it to me", "what's wrong with it?", "because I'm crazy, that what's wrong with it", you are wearing vest that matches the building, just do the thing that is the point of that place

Why? You know what, because you are a 20, because you are 20 year old little cunt and you have no idea how the world works, because you think you deserve better, you think you are too interesting person to have a shity job

Every 20 year old behind a counter gives me this look "this job sucks", yeah! that is why we gave it to you

Because you are 20. That is a mathematical guaranty that you have no skills, and nothing to offer anybody in the world, for two decades you have been taking and sucking up education and love and food and ipods, sucking up and judging "that one is good and that one not really", you've just being selecting and absorbing shit that you didn't fucking earn.

For two decades! Three Presidents! That is how long you've being a burden. You are like an orange on a tree, and the tree goes "get that thing off me, its crazy" "I don't want to go, I want to stay"

If you are 20, I guaranty you haven't done anything for anybody, ever. Yes you went on a school trip to Guatemala and they told you, you helped, but you totally did not help. The guy goes “I got a mud slide down my house, and now I have to baby sit that college kid, why do I have to do this”. Just take her picture with a shove so she could go back home and put it on her facebook.

Louis CK about George Carlin

I was looking up Louis CK stuff because I like his jokes and his act and google refferences this "related" video that I want to share.

I never knew how Louis CK became a comic and who inspired him to become one, and it turns out that George Carlin was that man, he spoke from his heart and he lived his life strong and he continues effecting our minds and hearts. 

Louie CK show – Deleted scene – Grocery store

Its a deleted scene from TV series Louie where Louis CK is playing roll of a father who is trying to teach his two daughters a lesson of apology, even if you think you have done nothing wrong you should still say you are sorry. So when a lady in a grosery store bumps his daughter his kids expected to hear the same "I am sorry" from her as thier father did from them a minute ago. See how it escalated.

I am sorry they deleted this scene.

Louis CK Capitalism

Louis CK Capitalism

Business and how it effects live and how it gets people robed off life of things that used to change your life and leaves you with only one choice. You used to get laid by going to book stores, by going into store and standing in section that made you look smart and than a girl comes around, oh do you also like book?
They talk about:

  • Video stores
  • Books store
  • Coffee shops
  • Lumber shop
  • Apple vs Microsoft
  • Beta vs VHS
  • Local Burger Shops
  • Online purchasing.
  • Music stores
  • Itunes
  • Privacy
  • Easy pass
  • Library of Congress
  • Car manufactures
  • Walmart
  • Subway

Louis CK on Consumers and Capitalism

Since there is no full version of this interview, this is a 1 of 3, 2 of 3 and 3 of 3 parts in one playlist. This Louis CK interview makes you really think, maybe make you a little depressing and laugh. Please enjoy