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Bill Burr

Bill Burr – about Gingers or Redheads

Bill Burr and Gingers.

I’ve heard that gingers are dieing out, studies have shown, my neighbor just had a ginger baby, where do all these people get their information? Ever since this south park episode where they did all that ginger thing, just like the level of hate. I am so glad my childhood is over, the amount of people that come up to me, not good looking people, horrific people, and they just think that they are a cut above me…

Bill Burr – Great invterview on KPCS (2014)

Kevin Pollak interviewed Bill Burr on KPCS podcast on August 4, 2014. I’ve seen probably all Bill’s interviews and this was definitely the best. Bill was real and Kevin was professional and everything was sync so well I couldn’t stop listening.
Interview really starts at 09:00 minutes, and I would also recommend you to skip the Twitter game at 1:22:00 and fast forward to 1:29:30 when they get back to the actual interview.

Bill Burr – Can women be funny?

July 2014 interview Bill Burr was asked “Can women be funny?” at the Montreal Just For Laughs festival. And his answer was something that we all were thinking and none of us had the guts to say out loud. It was brutal.

Bill Burr – Being a Mother

Bill Burr – Being a Mother

It is from “Let it Go” special 2010. It is most hilarious successful bashing of “the being mother” as a job. He breaks down the stereotype so well, the audience bursts in applause. You go to see it.

Bill Burr on Oprah and Lance Armstrong

Bill Burr talks about Oprah and Lance Armstrong on Conan Show

During Bill Burr interview on Conan Show (February 2013), he took a “shot” at something that happened on Oprah show. Bill Burr doesn’t Buy Oprah’s holier than Lance Armstrong and this is why.

Lance raised 500 million dollars for cancer research, everybody had those bands to block out the sun, no wrist cancer, right? And Oprah acted like… this guy would do whatever it takes to get there.

Bill Burr interview 2013 on Totally Biased

It is the one where Bill Burr was compared with Louis CK in Rolling Stones journal and where he goes about election, political system, liberals and conservatives. hehe
“I watched enough wresting shows to see the Rigged Game”, and can’t even talk to you if you still see that those are too choices that you are getting, you not. Please enjoy.

Bill Burr – southern people

Bill Burr – southern accent or southern people.
“No! I buy American shit, I got a cheeseburger I get American cheese on that b*tch, alright? None of this Swiss cheese, got them holes in it, I don’t trust it”…
It was until recently I found out that it’s from Bill Burr Emotionally Unavailable Expanded Edition 2007