Aziz Ansari – Waitress
Aziz Ansari was out with his friend on lunch one time and there was a waitress so cute I didn’t know what to say to her. So these are stupid advices that I got
Advice #1. Be honest with her
-Hi, I eat her all the time, and when I do I stare at your face! and I imaging us focking while I eat my sandwiches.
Advice #2. Just leave her a big tip
-Hi can I have a muffin? Here is 100 dollars. You know what that means? I am willing to have have sex with you for the price of 98 dollars.
Advice #3. Just tell her you are on TV
-There is no way I don’t sound like a jerk for saying that
-Hey, I am on TV. I don’t what is going on here, but this is a part where you start sucking my D.
This video is from Aziz Ansari Dangerously Delicious 2013 and you can see an uncensored version on official website.