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Chris Porter

chris porter
Chris Porter is a young and professional comedian. His material is clever, interesting and funny on stage, he performs well. However some of his jokes can really start a fight. He lives in Los Angeles, but he performs around the country.

Tour and shows ticketsChris Porter Screaming from the Cosmos

You can find about Chris Porter next appearance and where at: on bottom of the page, the website doesn’t have ability to order tickets. Meanwhile, you can download and see his recorded show online through a trusted source.


Originally from Kansas City, MO, born in 1979

  • In Summer 2006 appeared on Live at Gotham
  • In 2009 Porter made an appearance on Comedy Central Presents.
  • He also appeared on radio show “The Bob and Tom Show”

Official website

There is a gallery on his website but other than that, there are no videos or content just yet.
chris porterchris porter